Latest stories


  • Inputs
    "message_id": "integer",
    "reply_markup": "string : A JSON-serialized string to determine how an inline or outline keyboard looks like. In the top level either of inline_keyboard or keyboard key respectively for inline or outline keyboard appears. Value comprises an array of arrays representing rows and columns of buttons. Each element representing a button comprises of a JSON including at least one of text, value or content keys",
    "text": "string: optional"

  • Errors
    "message_id_not_valid": "message_id is wrong",
    "must_login": "user must be login",
    "user_does_not_have_permisson": "user does not have permission to edit message in blog",
    "you_are_not_sender": "user is not the sender of the message"

  • Extra Description
User can edit an already sent message

  • Sample
  • Url:
  • Output:
    "status": "success",
    "time": 1526966340.437936