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  • Inputs
    "chat_id": "string",
    "status": "integer: 0 is inactive_mode, 1 is typing text, 2 is sending photo, 3 is sending file,4 is audio recording"

  • Errors
    "access_denied": "user does not have permission",
    "is_not_member_of_chat": "user is not member of this chat",
    "must_login": "user must be login",
    "status": [
            "min value is 0": "minimum valid value is  0"
            "max value is 4": "maximum valid value is  4"

  • Extra Description
Set user's status to 'typing' while user is typing or sending file, this status can be seen by any other member of that chat, either it is a group or private chat

  • Sample
  • Url:
  • Output:
    "status": "success",
    "time": 1547366446.437936